Januray 12, 2009
WOLF CREEK HERITAGE MUSEUM NOTES by Virginia Scott Museum /lchc update I mentioned last week that our board will be organizing our historical commission and museum management this year. Our first meeting will be next wednesday at 4 pm at the museum . If you are interested in participating in our historical preservation, please try to attend. The more involved we are in our preservation efforts the more we can accomplish. Remember: Wednesday, January 21st , 4 pm, wolf creek heritage museum. The core team members were busy bees last Wednesday. We hung 364 pieces of art from the Lipscomb County Schools. As always the creativity and talent of our children is inspiring. The exhibit is colorful, creative, and very enjoyable. We hope each of our readers, parents, teachers, etc. come out to see the talents of our students and their teachers. We always enjoy this time of the year, when we can celebrate our students and also introduce them to the many aspects of history and their heritage. The exhibit will be on display all of January and February. We are continuing our building fund efforts . Our goal is $200,000 and we have raised $120,000. We will be focusing on grants this year to assist us in meeting our goal, however we hope to have several fundraising efforts to assist in this effort. Stay tuned for more information. To start the year off right , here is our address, telephone, website, etc. for you to post on your refrigerator for the year. 13310 HWY 305, BOX 5 LIPSCOMB, TEXAS 79056 806-852-2123 www.wolfcreekheritagemuseum.org wolfcrk@amaonline.com HOURS: MONDAY - FRIDAY 10 AM TO 4 PM SUNDAY 2 PM - 4 PM We are available for meetings, family reunions, etc. We encourage you to become one of our volunteers, come see us about our programs. Juniors and Seniors applying for college, volunteerism is great for your resume. President Obama has schedule a volunteer day for next Monday requesting Americans to become involved in their communities, etc. There are alot of opportunities in our county , find one that fits your interests. HISTORICAL MUSINGS I used an article from J.L. Dixon's column last week and thought it would be interesting to review Geal's life history for some of you who did not know him. Mr. Dixon was born in 1900 in Marshall, Missouri. His family moved to Lipscomb county in 1908. He quit school when he was sixteen to work on farms and ranches in the area. He had many occupations from road construction , service station , to burlap bag faculty. He operated the Higgins Bag Company until 1966. Mr. Dixon was elected as county commissioner of Precinct no. 4 in 1958 and held the office for 10 years. He was an active commissioner when he died in August, 1968. He began writing his column The Prairie Dog in 1964 keeping his identity secret. Keeping his readers quessing was a true delight and added fun to his earlier essays. Besides relating historical information about early Higgins , Mr. Dixon's viewpoint on early events and citizens provide us with an unique prespective. We will continue to relate some of his tidbits in this column from time to time. Our county is bested with many talented individuals and it is our privilege to share their stories with you. ENJOY YOUR WEEK! |
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