November 14, 2010
WOLF CREEK HERITAGE MUSEUM NOTES by Virginia Scott MUSEUM HAPPENINGS This was a busy week for us. We received our new shelves on Friday so Wednesday was spent cleaning out the space for them. We also received word that we were granted a grant from THC for the purchase of photographic material for our collection. Look for our press release about the grant. On Sunday we had our reception for Veterans. This year we honored Vietnam Veterans and we had a great crowd. County Judge Willis Smith presented Certificates to all Vietnam Veterans present. Barry Schoenhals presented a special certificate to Palma Koschke, Lipscomb County only Gold Star Mother. He also read the recent article about Michael's name on the Vietnam Wall being in a photo featured in the Tourist Brochure for Washington, D.C. The program was a great tribute to our Lipscomb County Veterans. Refreshments were served after the program and a lot of good conversation followed. A good day for Veterans Day weekend. A REMINDER THAT WE WILL BE CLOSED FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER. WE WILL RETURN IN JANUARY REFRESHED AND RESTED. HISTORICAL MUSING This week in history:
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