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Wolf Creek Heritage Museum Photo Album
A Museum of History and Art in historic Lipscomb, Texas
Map 13310 Highway 305 · P.O. Box 5
Lipscomb, Texas 79056
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September 15, 2019

by Virginia Scott


CORRECTION: I promise this is the last time I will correct the date for our fundraiser. It will be Saturday, October 12, 6:30pm at the Fellowship Hall, Methodist church, Follett. We will have live entertainment and auction and lots of good food. Tickets are $25/person. You can call the museum at 806-852-2123 to reserve tickets, come by the museum, or check with one of our volunteers. It promises to be another good evening.

We had a reception for Pam Tyson, Sunday afternoon, and lots of people came to enjoy her quilts and to visit with Pam. It was a pleasant afternoon. Pam quilts will be on exhibit until first of November. November's exhibit will be Christmas snowman collection by Kellie Kjos and Kyler Koch.

I ventured to New Home, TX this last week to the dedication of the marker for Charles Smith by the first arrow that he made in his hometown. It was also a celebration of Quanah Parker. With the first celebration of the state holiday honoring him and the Comanche nation. In honor of Quanah, red, blue, and yellow ribbon can be placed on the arrows to celebrate the occasions.


The following is a 1919 list of chores to prepare for the winter:
  1. Paint up your house, repair the leaks in the roof, put the eave troughs in proper condition, and make any other repairs necessary
  2. Clean out your well and see that it is in sanitary condition.
  3. If needed build a walk or two around the house, or leading to the front gate or to the barn. Women should not be compelled to spend five or ten minutes scraping mud off of their feet every time they step out of doors.
  4. Inspect your fences and make necessary repairs.
  5. Don't forget your stock. If there are holes in the barn, repair them. too.

Don't leave anything until tomorrow, for tomorrow you may be dead and then you will not get the credit of doing things that others leave undone. If you can't stay on this earth forever, at least leave a record for something behind you. Skagg philosophy.

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