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Wolf Creek Heritage Museum Photo Album
A Museum of History and Art in historic Lipscomb, Texas
Map 13310 Highway 305 · P.O. Box 5
Lipscomb, Texas 79056
County Flag
June 9, 2019

by Virginia Scott


A busy weekend, a reception for Ronda Born and book signing for Marlon G. Sparks. More than 40 were in attendance and all enjoyed the presentations and the socializing before and after. We have several copies of Mr. Sparks book for sale in gift shop.

We are still busy trying to catch up with our paper work and making room for new collection items. We are short handed with illness and age catching up with some of our volunteers. So if you have some time for volunteering please come check us out for a fun time and learning about Lipscomb history.

Our next event will be our board meeting set for July 17th at 3pm here at the museum.


In May 1919 issue of Limelight, they reported on a Lipscomb visit by Private Jess Wheeler of Appleby for the purpose of visiting with his Lipscomb friend for a day or two before returning the Camp Euitis, Virginia. He was the second boy to visit after assisting in the building of the courthouse. The article hints to fact that the boys were interested in local girls more than the courthouse.

Some of the headlines in 1919 paper reflect the status of the war: "War department ask for larger army with crisis near", "Daring Aviator and his Navigator picked up at Sea."

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