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Wolf Creek Heritage Museum Photo Album
A Museum of History and Art in historic Lipscomb, Texas
Map 13310 Highway 305 · P.O. Box 5
Lipscomb, Texas 79056
County Flag
June 4, 2017

by Virginia Scott


Museum is quiet this week. We returned from Pampa with four choices for the core group to vote on for our new entry way. The new flooring should give us a new look and inviting entry way. We may have to create a new entrance during installation so stay tuned for updates.

Wednesday, June 7, was our first genealogy meeting so I will have lots to talk about next week. If you have an interest or just want to learn how to use our library, please join us. We will meet on the first Wednesday each month, here at the museum at 1 pm.

Reminders: Reception for Terry Henderson and program by Otis Shearer on Sunday, June 11, 2017 at 2 pm


Continuing with the construction of the courthouse, it was reported in the June 7th, 1917 issue of the limelight that the "iron fencing has begun to arrive for the Court Yard and when the time comes that all of the material is on the ground and erected an improvement will be made in the yard and its appearance will be very pleasing to the eye."

It also reported that the Peckenpaw brothers of Canadian started to redress the columns at the court house and when finished "there will be a swellness added to the appearance of the exterior part of the house that hasn't been there before."

I think the Skaggs approved.

I hope you have noticed that the courthouse has been getting a new paint job as well as new windows and is looking great for its age.

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