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Wolf Creek Heritage Museum Photo Album
A Museum of History and Art in historic Lipscomb, Texas
Map 13310 Highway 305 · P.O. Box 5
Lipscomb, Texas 79056
County Flag
November 19, 2017

by Virginia Scott


If you missed our column last week, I apologize but I am suffering from the first winter cold or flu or whatever. I am almost well and am trying to get everything done before we close. Vonda will be here thru December so call before coming to see if she is here.

We have received several jars of local honey from Tanja Bussard, I fear they will all be sold by the time this reaches you. There is quite a demand for local honey for people with allergies. Her honey is wonderful.

We also have new T-shirts and caps so if you need stocking stuffers, come see our new shirts with new fashion colors. The 2017 state capitol ornament is also in.

This will be the last column for 2017 so We wish all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year. We will resume our notes on Jan 2, 2018.


In November, 1917, Lipscomb County hired its first county agent, M.C. Baumgardner. Mr. Baumgardner was from Central Texas was a successful farmer and stock raiser. In announcing his position, the paper reported that The county agent was a new thing and the average farmer and stockman cannot hardly appreciate his great benefit as they do in other counties. The agents have met with "great success in the way of assisting farmers in buying and selling their product and where to get the right kind of seeds for the greatest production in certain kinds of ground."

Another centennial for the county.

Another productive year for the museum. We thank all of you for reading our news old and new.

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