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Wolf Creek Heritage Museum Photo Album
A Museum of History and Art in historic Lipscomb, Texas
Map 13310 Highway 305 · P.O. Box 5
Lipscomb, Texas 79056
County Flag
July 19, 2015

by Virginia Scott

You may have noticed that I did not have a column last week. I went on a short vacation. We toured thru Oklahoma and visited as many museums and cemeteries that we could locate. I was researching my mother's family and was 50% successful in locating the information I needed. The weather was great until the last few days when the temperature started to climb.
The museum and historical commission met on July 16 and continued their plans for our new addition, the annual fundraiser, and our new projects for next year. The official photograph of the commission was also taken.

If you are ever in Round Rock, Texas go to their Bass Store and look at the mural in the hunting section. It is a photograph from our collection and has the title "The Hunters Retreat, Lipscomb County" as the title and our credit at the bottom. Great advertising for free.


Here are some interesting tidbits from America's history for this week:

  • 1881 - Chief Sitting Bull of the Sioux nation returns from exile in Canada to give himself up to U.S. authorities. Handing his rifle to his son, the conqueror of General Custer declares, "I wish it to be remembered that I was the last man of my tribe to surrender my rifle."

  • 1969 - Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. 'Buss' Aldrin place a plaque on the moon that read "Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the moon July, 1969, A.D. We came in peace for all mankind."

  • 1861 - first battle of Bull Run, the first major encounter of the Civil War

  • 1959 - Judge Frederick van Pelt Bryan rules that Lady Chatterly's Lover can be legally sent through the mail stating that such a ban would also apply to all our literature classics and such a rule would be inimical to a free society.

  • 1934 - John Dillinger is shot dead.

  • 1953 - the Korean War formally ends with an armistice signed at Panmunjon, South Korea.

Have a good week.

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