February 13, 2011
WOLF CREEK HERITAGE MUSEUM NOTES by Virginia Scott MUSEUM HAPPENINGS The cold has kept the museum relatively quiet. Lovella has had better weather on Thursday and Friday than we have on the first of the week. This week promises to warm us up so maybe the core team can see each other on Wednesday to catch up on our work. Book Sales are doing wonderfully and comments have all been good. I will try to remember some for reporting here. The school art is up and looks great. As usual the kids and their teacher are creative, innovative, and artistic in their pieces. We realize that the curriculum leaves very little for art, music, and theater and praise each of our teachers that keep it in for the growth of the children. We have a research question for all of you : Phyllis Ballew of Shattuck found a certificate belonging to her grandfather. In 1934, he had bought 20+ shares in "Lipscomb National Farm Loan Assoc." Has anyone ever heard of this organization? The certificate was signed by C.A. Dickerson who was County Judge until 1932. We are curious so if you know where, when, who,and what this company was about let us know. HISTORICAL MUSINGS Today is Valentine's Day and I hope you are getting a valentine. The first valentine party (That I can find in our archives) was held in the new courthouse in 1888. The following announcement was in the February 10,1888 issue of the Panhandle Interstate. "A dance for the Fourteenth: We have been requested to announce a dance to take place at the new court house at Lipscomb on Tuesday evening, February 14th, 1888, under the auspices of the people of Lipscomb and vicinity. Everybody invited to attend. Good music will be furnished, and a good time is assured. Come out and enjoy yourself on the evening of St. Valentine's Day." As usual no follow up article about the party. The Follett Times reported that Mr. and Mrs. Fred born hosted the members of the ICI club and our agent, Miss Wanda Kimbrell as special quests with other families for a Valentine Dinner in 1944. The menu was turkey with all the side dishes. " A gift certificate and valentine box created much excitement and numerous jokes were enjoyed at the expense of the husbands." I close with some notable Valentine quotes A lovely heart shaped box of chocolates was received on Valentine's Day by a coed from her newest date. On the enclosed card was the inscription : To Helen- with all my allowance." Love me little, love me long is the burden of my song..Old Ballad Never sign a Valentine with your own name - Charles Dickens To be rich in admiration and free from envy; to rejoice greatly in the good of others; to love with such generosity of heart that your love is still a dear possession in absence of unkindness- these are the gifts of fortune which money cannot buy nothing and without which money can buy nothing. Robert Louis Stevenson. |
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