January 8, 2017
by Virginia Scott
We are receiving the art from the different schools for our annual student art exhibit. If you have a student remind them to check at school and get their art ready for our show. Home schoolers are welcomed and encouraged to bring us their art.
It is time for us to prepare our annual report and to publish our newsletter, so we are busy on Wednesday, summarizing the year. As always it has been a good year. We hope to have more programs and activities this year so stay tuned for announcements.
In our archives we have copies of the Lipscomb Limelight from 1916 till it stopped publishing in the 1988. I will be relating the news from these issues in the musings to reflect what was happening a 100 years ago.
At 1:10 Wednesday morning Jasper Millhollon, treasurer of Lipscomb County dies, 76 years of age, cause cancer of the stomach. His illness had lingered for about eight weeks before the end. He was a hale and hearty gentlemen and but for the final cause of his demise would have lived several years.
He had served for many years as County Treasurer of Lipscomb County and was faithful to the last. During his time of labor as an official he had won the friendship of a host who will be a grieved to hear the news.
He had been a life long Christian and was also a Mason of high standing besides a member of Lipscomb Lodge No. 683, I.O.O.F.
The funeral was held at the home in southwest Lipscomb at 2 o'clock today. The local lodge of L.O.O.F. paying their respects to him. Elder Nance, of Hereford, Texas, a warm friend preaching the funeral after the Masons of the Lipscomb Lodge took charge of the remains and followed them to the I.O.O.F. cemetery where the last sad rights were exemplified.
The funeral was the largest held in the town in years, several from Higgins, Glazier, Canadian and Miama being present.
Limelight joins in with a host of friends who sympathize with the bereaved ones.
Please notice the information given in the obituary compared with today. When did cause of death stop being part of obituary?