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Wolf Creek Heritage Museum Photo Album
A Museum of History and Art in historic Lipscomb, Texas
Map 13310 Highway 305 · P.O. Box 5
Lipscomb, Texas 79056
County Flag
July 31, 2011

by Virginia Scott


Well, we have had better weeks at the museum than last week. We were expecting to be busy and it started on Wednesday with getting ready for Saturday's big event. We agreed to come on Friday and move the cases,etc. and to arrange our front area for the tea. Unfortunately we had a mishap and Fern McGee was injured and a display case was terminally wrecked. Fern is OK and she and I are still kicking ourselves for trying to be super women. Lesson learned is that we will not attempt to move anything that does not have wheels.

The Tea on Saturday was very successful with over 40 people attending. Dolores Cross , granddaughter of J.B. and Mary Margaret Webb Turner, presented a touching program about the arrival of her grandparents in Lipscomb county. She also displayed the clothing and belonging of her grandmother. Before and after the presentation, attendees were able to examine the clothing and visit with Dolores about her family history. Many members of the Turners were in attendance. Dolores and her husband, Larry, are restoring the family ranch house in Lipscomb County for the use by the family. Dolores lives in Amarillo, Texas and presents her program to various groups in the area.

On Wednesday of this week , Georgia & I will have left to travel to Irving , TX for the annual meeting of the Texas Museum Association. So next week , I will report on the state of the union in Texas Museums. This is the final meeting for the year on a state level and promising to be informative.


This past week was a sad one when we learned that one of our most treasured members of our museum family had passed away. Rene Heil was one of our greatest supporters. He was always here to take photographs of our events, bring us his latest book and to arrange a book signing to assist us in raising money for our projects and building. He was always willing to provide us with his photos. We have a collection of his photographs of the drilling of one of the first well in the "New" oil boom in the '90s. His memorial service was Saturday in Follett and was a tribute to his life.

Rene left us with a wonderful historical legacy of the Ranches from Mexico to Montana. Each year beginning in March, He would load his van with bedroll, ice cooler, and camera equipment to spend the next four months traveling capturing the sights of Spring Roundup in Ranch country. His son, Kirk, has assured us that his sixth book will be available in the future.

We will miss him.

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