April 3, 2016
WOLF CREEK HERITAGE MUSEUM NOTES by Virginia Scott MUSEUM HAPPENINGS To commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the beginning of the Vietnam war, local DAR chapters are laying wreaths on their County War Memorials. The Museum and local DAR members laid a wreath on the Lipscomb County Memorial last Wednesday. Virginia Scott and Nadine Barton, both veterans had the honor of laying the wreath on the monument fence. The museum volunteers, courthouse employees, and local residents were in attendance. We continue to refine and improve our collections with new boxes, labeling, and auditing of our files. As this occurs, the core team is rediscovering items that we have not reviewed or displayed for awhile. We will be changing some of our displays to freshen up our exhibits. We also have some new items that we want to share with our visitors. We have also received the fall issue of the West Texas Travelhost that list all the areas points of interest and museums. Come by and pick up your copy for day trip planning. REMINDERS: The board will meet on April 13th at 2pm. Reception in honor of Maxine Jones will be APRIL 24 at 2 pm. HISTORICAL MUSINGS If you think we are done with winter, I am going to remind you of past April storms as recalled by by the 'Prairie Dog' Jewell LaGeal Dixon in his column of April 8, 1965: "I think back to the year of 1938, when we had a bad snow storm in April. It started snowing about dark on the 7th of April and continued snowing all day through the 8th and didn't let up until the evening of the 9th. This snow storm was one of the worst storms we have had in April since the year of 1919, when there were thousands of cattle lost all over the Panhandle. The snow in 1919 came about April 9th. The snow storm of 1938 the roads were blocked for several days and the snow drifted bad, as there was a 50-mile an hour wind with it.... The snow drifted so bad that the cattle could walk right over the fences. So the cattle drifted with the storm and the ranchers were quite awhile getting their cattle back home, but one thing for sure, they knew which way to look because the cattle all went to the south. " So don't put up your winter clothing and protections until the yucca blooms. Have a good week. |
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