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Wolf Creek Heritage Museum Photo Album
A Museum of History and Art in historic Lipscomb, Texas
Map 13310 Highway 305 · P.O. Box 5
Lipscomb, Texas 79056
County Flag
April 10, 2016

by Virginia Scott


The museum is busy with our various exhibits, student visits, and planning receptions. Dolores Mosser came up from Lubbock on the 6th to read her book to the Higgins elementary students. I am told that she was a hit and the children thoroughly enjoyed her book. Dolores will be here for our reception on the 24th so parents please bring your children so they can enjoy a book reading while you enjoy the art by Maxine Jones and her family and students. It should be an enjoyable afternoon.

I ventured to Abilene last Wednesday for the annual meeting of the West Texas Historical Society and had three days of interesting talks from Texas Historians on local West Texas and Panhandle history. Topics varied from interesting people who settled our area to some outlaws and then the history of various places. We visited Fort Griffin. Abilene is in the Forts Trail with Fort Griffin being only one of many of the historic fort sites found in this area. As usual this meeting was educational with ideas for our museum.

The museum and historical commission for Lipscomb County will have met on Wednesday when you read this column on Thursday or Friday. I will report on these meetings next week.

REMINDER: Reception for Maxine Jones - April 24 - at 2pm


At the meeting I attended last week, we toured the old Bankhead highway and learned of its history. This made we wonder about our local roadways. I remembered reading about the trials and tribulations of crossing wolf creek and the other creeks before bridges. The following descriptions of the development of our roads was in an article in "Texas County Progress", 2004:

"During the mid-twentieth century Lipscomb County began to develop a modern system of roads. As early as the mid1920s U.S. Highway 60 (originally State Highway 33) crossed the southeastern corner of the county via Higgins as it ran from Shattuck, Oklahoma to Canadian, Pampa, Panhandle, and Amarillo. Only unpaved county roads gave access to the rest of the county...a network of paved roads emerged during the 1940s and 1950s. State Highway 15 runs across the northern part of the county, linking Booker, Follett, and Darrouzett to Spearman and Oklahoma." The county also relies on various farm-to-market and county roads that run north and south to reach various locations and ranches/farms throughout the county.

From this field trip I can say our roads are good and nice and smooth compared to some down south. Thanks county and state road crews.

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