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Wolf Creek Heritage Museum Photo Album
A Museum of History and Art in historic Lipscomb, Texas
Map 13310 Highway 305 · P.O. Box 5
Lipscomb, Texas 79056
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March 25, 2018

by Virginia Scott


An interesting week for the volunteers of the museum . Several of us had continued family illness episodes that kept us away from the museum . Thankfully the family members are all healing and on the road to recovery.

We are preparing for new display cases and adding on to the military exhibit. Unfortunately, this new addition is due to our recent military conflicts. We are also researching the members of Lipscomb County that served in WWI so we can locate relatives.We are planning for a program and recognition of the 100th anniversary of this event. If you have information on anyone that served in this WWI, please share with us. We need pictures, history, etc.so that we can prepare an exhibit of our participation in the war. We also need stories,etc.of how the home front assisted in the war effort.

This Tuesday, students from Follett came to the museum to assist Georgia in her recovering project of our chairs in the meeting auditorium. I will report on the project next week.

I forgot to include our monthly Bingo game in my column last week, but Harold reminded the faithful group and they had 12 or more attend and fun was had by all. Please mark your calendar for the fourth Saturday of the month at 6:30 pm at museum BINGO NIGHT.

Our next event will be April 8 at 2 pm for the reception for Robert Mercer and book signing for Kathy Burrus.


The March 28, 1919 issue of Limelight reported on how Lipscomb citizens combined visiting with fundraising:

"Well, well, a pie supper for the Red cross at Locust Grove Saturday night proved to be a real live one besides an unusually pleasant affair and it all occurred at the Pundt school.

To be sure in order to make things right jolly a short program was arranged for this occasion, which consisted of singing, a drill and intermixed with recitations. It was well rendered and appreciated by the many present.

But those pies, oh my, they went right along at a good figure when the auctioneer took his stand to commence the sale. The flavor appealed to nearly every purchaser and about any kind could be had. The sales when totaled up amounted to $52.00 or more... the Red Cross highly elated over the success of the supper."

The Pundt school is still standing and in the family.
Have a good week.

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