July 15, 2018
WOLF CREEK HERITAGE MUSEUM NOTES by Virginia Scott MUSEUM HAPPENINGS Approximately 40 people were present to hear Monty Akers presentation on his writings. The Akers family had a family reunion utilizing our meeting room for lunch. We have copies of Monty's new books available in our gift shop so please come by and review them. Our summer visitors are picking up and we are enjoying being a welcome rest stop for visitors. We had another Lipscomb family come by to visit a town with their family name. We try to get photo of visiting Lipscomb for our multiplex display. Our board will meet on Wednesday, July 25 at 3pm in our meeting area. The public is welcome. HISTORICAL MUSINGS In 1918 the Ohio draft board published a document they called the Uncle Sam's Ten Commandments. They were as follows: Food for thought, have a good and safe week. |
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