September 20, 2020
WOLF CREEK HERITAGE MUSEUM NOTES by Virginia Scott MUSEUM HAPPENINGS We are progressing with the new shelving for our archive room. We have selected the shelving and color so we should be expecting delivery soon. The work will be emptying the archives and then organizing the new shelving then replacing our collection into the new system. Stay tuned for updates. Reminder: the 2020 Christmas ornaments from Texas is in. If you are a collector, we have the ornaments from 2004 to present and the wildflower ornaments. We are planning next year's exhibit calendar, if you are a collector, artist, quilter, or author and would like an exhibit or a program, please call us and schedule an event. Our space is limited at this time but it will be a reminder of when we opened in 2000 and did not have our new addition. HISTORICAL MUSINGS One of our items in our book collection is a journal calendar of Medical History from 1938. It was published by William R. Warner & Co. The instructions for the calendar was as follows: "Use daily as needed: To keep a record of appointments; Make a note of important matters requiring attention' Preserve a diary of personal experiences; Follow the course of days, with an incident from medical history for inspiration." For September 28th, the entry was a weather report that sounds like today : " Clear warm wind North West. Looked like rain but did not.” The medical history note was a latin proverb "Nothing more useful than the sun and salt." Have a good week. |
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