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Wolf Creek Heritage Museum Photo Album
A Museum of History and Art in historic Lipscomb, Texas
Map 13310 Highway 305 · P.O. Box 5
Lipscomb, Texas 79056
County Flag
June 26, 2016

by Virginia Scott


We have been busy with returning families coming to Lipscomb for visits and dropping by with family memories and items to add to our collections. These items allow us to tell the stories of the many families and the happenings that developed our county. We thank each of you that bring us your family memories be assured that they are appreciated and treasured.

I ventured to the big towns of Wheeler and Mobeetie on Sunday and Monday to attend a summit hosted by the Panhandle Marketing and Tourism Council to discuss the revival of a project proposed by Texas Historical Commission years ago on the Red River War. The project was tabled due to the lack of financial support. This meeting was to discuss strategies for a new project to tell the story of this conflict. It is a story that needs to be told about our region. Stay tuned for updates as this group seeks to develop the project.

There is only six days left to see John Van Beekum's photographs. These photographs are a wonderful story of our daily lives in Lipscomb County so please plan to come see it before it leaves us. We have great air conditioning so join us. We will be closed on the 4th of July.

Our next exhibit will be quilts by Carol Gifford.


Since this is an election year, I offer a past column from the Lipscomb Limelight:


America is a great country, and much of that greatness is due to the ability and fearlessness of the people in thinking and acting for themselves. We elect our chief officers for two to four years,and if they don't suit us we kick them out at the end of their terms. We have a habit of frankly and insistently telling our public servants what we expect of them,and we unblushingly give them to understand if they do not make good we will have no further use for them.
Nearly everybody works in this country and... we have no kings or emperors, or dudes or counts,for in this country every man is a king in his own right,with more brains than half the crowned heads of Europe.
Yes, America is a great country, and it will always be great so long as we reverence brain and brawn instead of lording's and tarnished crowns. ( an editorial by the Skaggs brothers)

Enjoy the week.

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