April 25, 2010
WOLF CREEK HERITAGE MUSEUM NOTES by Virginia Scott MUSEUM HAPPENINGS Georgia and I safely traveled to Houston for the annual Texas Historical Commission meeting. This meeting is to bring us up to date on County Historical Commissions and preservation skills, etc. We received new handbook. Each county will receive 2 copies and will be sent to either your president of your commission or to your county judge. It is state law for each county to have a commission and there are operational rules that we are suppose to be doing in each of our counties to preserve our history and heritage. If your county is not active contact your judge or the THC for assistance. We had a great meeting and received new information on our CHC, tombstone preservation, new books, tools for surveys of our county, and a lot more that Georgia and I will be sharing with our CHC and volunteers. If you have an interest in history and want to assist in surveying our county for historical sites, markers, structures,etc. give me a call. The Book project is doing great. The stream of stories has slowed down so we hope to complete collection by the May 14th. So if you are working on your story, please complete and get your order in. We are also encouraging book orders. The pre-publication price is $65 plus $7 for mailing, the post-publication price will be alot more and set by publisher with us. Our exhibit for May/June is featuring the work of Denise Carter. Plan on your visit now. HISTORICAL MUSING Spring brings alot of different "holidays" or days of observance of special occasions. April 22 is Arbor Day that was created by J.Sterling Morton who as Secretary of the Nebraska Territory as a way to encourage the planting of trees to improve the prairie of Nebraska. In 1882, Nebraska declared the day a legal holiday to be observed on Morton's birthday, April 22. Today almost every state celebrates an Arbor day but because the best tree-planting season changes from region to region, some states observe the day on different dates to coordinate with planting seasons. On April 22, 1970, Arbor day was modified to emphasize the critical importance of the environment and to make the American public aware of the destruction of the earth's natural preserves. Twenty million Americans observed this day. Twenty years later in 1990, Earth Day was observed once again. On the Mall, in the center of Washington, D.C., people gathered for Earth fest. Although Earth Day is not a yearly federal holiday it is observed at the time of Arbor day and has helped Americans realize they can and should do something to protect the environment. I hope you attended an earth day event this year. Plant a tree or assist in cleaning your neighbor. Have a good week. |
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