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Wolf Creek Heritage Museum Photo Album
A Museum of History and Art in historic Lipscomb, Texas
Map 13310 Highway 305 · P.O. Box 5
Lipscomb, Texas 79056
County Flag
February 6, 2011

by Virginia Scott


BRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are trying to stay warm. The museum was open on Monday but I did not open on Tuesday due to the weather. On Wednesday, I opened but the core team wisely stayed home in the warm comfort of their homes. Luckily all our projects are not urgent. This week is starting off nice and sunny but the forecast is not good. As much as we need moisture, I hope and prayer it will come gently.

I hope the word is getting out that the new History book is in and we have plenty for sell. There is still a number of people who need to pick up their books that preordered. We have posters in all the towns so help us spread the word.

You may recall me reporting that the museum was working with a group of people in Perryton on tourism. The Perryton Chamber of Commerce graciously sponsored the project for a day trip map for our area. The maps are in so come by and get one and start planning your spring and summer outings. There are four day trips mapped out with identified points of interest. Ours is called the Firewheel trail. These trips promise to be fun and will show you some of our history that you may not know. Supplemental brochures with detailed information on each trail will be forthcoming in the future.


This year marks the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War. Fort Hood's Texas Brigade Association will be having a website www.texascivilwar150.org to feature Texas's role in this war. February 1, 1861 delegates from all over Texas met at a citizen's convention to debate the issue of secession from the Union. The convention met and voted for secession on February 1 for secession with the vote of 166 to 8. Texas officially left the Union on March 2, Texas Independence Day, a date deliberately set.

Our county was not organized and this region was mainly still Indian Territory with the Red River War still 10 plus years in the future. It will be interesting during the next four years 2011 thru 2015, to read about Texas events during the Civil War and try to evaluate their impact on this area. If any one has information, please let us know.

Have a good week.

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