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Wolf Creek Heritage Museum Photo Album
A Museum of History and Art in historic Lipscomb, Texas
Map 13310 Highway 305 · P.O. Box 5
Lipscomb, Texas 79056
County Flag
July 23, 2017

by Virginia Scott


A quiet week which allows us to catch up on our paper work and recordkeeping. On Wednesday, our board met and the following items were discussed:
  1. chair project- Georgia Couch reported that the wood on the chairs will require renting a electric stable gun. Staff will pursue.
  2. the flooring for the entrance has been completed.
  3. Attendance at Bingo nights has been around 18 to 20. This is our second session and everyone is having fun. Please plan to join us in August on the fourth Saturday.
  4. Geneology club has met and research in our obits and newspapers are proving helpful. Please join us. We are trying to obtain laptops for use in the research room.
  5. Duestch Fest report- Dorothy reported that she set up a display of our museum and its publications and interest was good from the many visitors to the exhibit area.

Under new business the board approved disposal of old exercise equipment and development of the inch by inch exhibit.
November 4 was set for the fall fundraiser. Please mark your calendar. We will announce times and event details as the develop.
The gift shop was discussed with the board offering ideas for sell items.
The director reported on her trip to Lubbock for the annual meeting of the Panhandle Trails Region. The theme of the meeting was Texas Tunes and the information on a new Texas music trail was outlined.

We adjourned without our goal of meeting of an hour. These meeting are open meetings and the public is welcomed to come and participate.


Here is the completion of the poem entitled the "The Canning Club"

Then pack him down tight in a sterilized can
but to do this, alas means many a man
To the trenches must go
So the women of Lipscomb must sew, sew, SEW.

Then put in the cooker and steam until done
Which will take until the war is won
And one of the ways to do your bit
Is begin right now to knit, knit, KNIT.

Then remove from the cooker and clamp the lid tight
On Autocracy, Intemperance and all things not RIGHT
There is work for all, so unless you're a miser
Come join the RED CROSS and help CAN the KAISER.

My wish for rain came true so I hope our gardens grow, grow, GROW.

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