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Wolf Creek Heritage Museum Photo Album
A Museum of History and Art in historic Lipscomb, Texas
Map 13310 Highway 305 · P.O. Box 5
Lipscomb, Texas 79056
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August 4, 2019

by Virginia Scott


I have been out of town for approximately 2 weeks so I don't have much to update you on. The work on the courthouse has moved into high gear with the demolish of the elevator tower.
In my last column I reported on a date and place for our annual fundraiser and it was wrong. Our 2019 fundraiser will be on October 12 in Follett, we will report more information as we know it.

We have had more geocachers stopped by and leave us notes. One admired our wagon and left this comment "Can you imagine living in one of these?" Yes, we can.


One hundred years ago this week, the Lime Light reported the following:
"We drove to the new town of Lourwood or Darrouzett, on the Kiowa, where we spent an hour mixing with the people. This new town showed evidence of thrift and prosperity and quite a number of new buildings were in course of construction. The new depot is complete, there are already several stores, a hotel, garage, grain elevator, etc.. The weary traveler who passes this way can find a sort of rest and refuge from a day's toil by getting most anything he wants."

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