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13310 Highway 305 · P.O. Box 5
Lipscomb, Texas 79056 806-852-2123 staff@wolfcreekheritagemuseum.org |
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April 4, 2010
WOLF CREEK HERITAGE MUSEUM NOTES by Virginia Scott MUSEUM HAPPENINGS Stories, stories, everywhere with pictures flying. The museum is overflowing with family stories. We are at 275 and counting. My email box is full and my printer is hot. Every computer is smoking with typing stories as they arrive. We have had to order more envelops and more keep coming. This is great and you still have time. The deadline is the 10th which is a Saturday so you have until Monday the 12th. At that time we will decide about an extension based on how many of you say you are going to submit if we do. Get to work and try for the 12th, or at least call us and say you would submit if we extended. The BRA TALK exhibit left on Monday and we are taking the month of April off so we can use the art room for organizing and working on the book project. We need to extend a special thanks to three special guys in Darrouzett that run a hunter's paradise named THE LAST BUFFALO. Josh and Jerod Robertson with Jordon Shearer organized an open house with a silent auction at their lodge as a fundraiser for the museum. The event took place last Tuesday with an excellent crowd and raised over $2500 for our building fund. So when you see the boys or Charmaine Robertson, please congratulate and thank them for the excellent job they did. Fun, food, and good conversation was had by all who attended. To those of you who bid and bought one of the auction items. Thanks for your generosity. To those of you who donated an item to the auction. Thanks for your generosity. We are on the last leg of funding raising for the new building so please consider a donation to the fund. HISTORICAL HAPPENINGS In the last issue of the first LCHC newsletter in the fall of 1992, there were three descriptions of Lipscomb County residents and their occupations. The first was the Circuit rider minister. Rev. O.F. Gragg came to Lipscomb county in early 1900 as a missionary with his wife, Lucinda. They helped establish the First Baptist Church in Higgins. Mrs. Lawton was remembered by Eddie Kaatz in an article about her teaching techniques at the Lipscomb School in 1924. He described Mrs. Lawton as a plumpish,not very tall and portrayed a motherly way. She always had projects for her students such as taking the half shell of an egg, filling it with soil and placing one flower seed in the soil. Placing the shell on the window sill to watch them grow ( a good idea to do with those Easter egg shells). He also recalled a song they would sing to a late comer to class. "A Birdie with a Yellow Bill, Hopped Upon my Window Sill, cocked his shiny eye and said Aren't you ashamed, You Sleepy Head." This was sung as they pointed and shook their finger at the student who arrived late. Lastly he described the Thomas family of two brothers and a sister who lived on south of Lipscomb. The men always wore overalls and had thick moustaches. and the sister was a neat and prim lady who wore her hair in a bun on top of her head. Always wore glasses and long dresses. He relates that the Thomases never discussed their past but were good people and he was glad to have known them. That is all we can ask for. Lipscomb County is full of good people with interesting stories and we are proud to document this history for future generations. Get your story in and have a great week. |
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