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Wolf Creek Heritage Museum Photo Album
A Museum of History and Art in historic Lipscomb, Texas
Map 13310 Highway 305 · P.O. Box 5
Lipscomb, Texas 79056
County Flag
March 29, 2020

by Virginia Scott


Hope everyone is staying safe and finding projects to keep yourself occupied. I come into the museum to clear our email and mail and return home for husband, projects, books, and animals(inside and outside) so I have plenty to keep me busy. The museum is secure with the courthouse people occupying their space.

The Texas Historical Commission has an online learning portal, Texas History at Home which has different resources for students and families to engage with Texas History.

All of our volunteers are staying home until the various health agencies gives us the all clear. So stay safe !


The following was in the Lipscomb Lime Light, April,1920: A "Pome" for your scrap basket:

We used to know a little dame,
Her name was Miss Iola,
She couldn't play a gold urn thing
Except a grafoula.
She bought it late one afternoon,
Paid for it on the spot;
She learned to waltz and then onestep,
To shimmie and fox trot.
And now the neighbors wonder why
The boys all love Iola,
So we publish this tell them - Its's her
Little Grafonola.
New records at Wilsons this week.
A wonderful advertisement, stay safe

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