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Wolf Creek Heritage Museum Photo Album
A Museum of History and Art in historic Lipscomb, Texas
Map 13310 Highway 305 · P.O. Box 5
Lipscomb, Texas 79056
County Flag
February 24, 2019

by Virginia Scott


It was a busy weekend at the museum. On Saturday we had our monthly Bingo game with a nice attendance of around 15. We will host a Bingo game each month on the fourth Saturday of the month. MARK YOUR CALENDARS.
On Sunday, we held our annual School Art Reception and awarded the prizes to the students. We had over 80 in attendance this year which was great. I will publish some of the winners next week. Congratulations to all the students who participated and thanks to the teachers and schools who still support our programs.
March promises to be a quiet month so we will be focusing on catching up with our files, exhibits, etc.


Life in Lipscomb has always had it surprises, one being Livestock on the loose. The 1919 Limelight reported,
"on a quiet Saturday morning a great deal of a stir was created in the old town when a famous team of horses belonging to J. S. Bussard named Baucom and Baumgarder went tearing up the street just like they was going to make a real run-away, but after a block and a half's spurt and skidding the corner at the northwest corner of the courthouse square pretty lively came to a quiet stop in front of Hotel Lipscomb. J. S. caught up with the swift lot at this point and after some persuasion got the noble steeds cantering right back to where they started from. ...For this extra run without doubt a little more than the usual feed of oats came up at the dinner hour."

Saying for pondering: There is no such word as 'fail' to one who will not give up. Have a good week.

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