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Wolf Creek Heritage Museum Photo Album
A Museum of History and Art in historic Lipscomb, Texas
Map 13310 Highway 305 · P.O. Box 5
Lipscomb, Texas 79056
County Flag
August 9, 2020

by Virginia Scott


Life with the coronavirus continues and we have adapt well in the county and as a result with have very few cases. Everyone seems to have adapt well to wearing masks when needed and distancing as well as frequent handwashing and sanitizing our areas. Please continue until this virus leaves us.

The museum remains quiet but open to any who wishes to come by and visit. We continue to get mail and email asking for information and family histories.

We still meet as a group on Wednesdays and plan our projects and other business. We are presently working on a project for new shelving in our archive room.


Soon after the formation of Lipscomb County the need for bridges became evident. The following is a paragraph expressing the need from the PANHANDLE INTERSTATE:
"If there were no one traveling except men, and they were acquainted with the stream, there would be no call for a bridge. But now strangers are in the country, also women and children, are passing to and fro. Should any of them be swallowed up in the floods or sand, we as a people would feel that we should have provided a safe crossing."
The first bridge across Wolf Creek near Lipscomb was approved during the time P.B. Mills, was County Judge (1906-1914).

Stay safe

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