November 8, 2009
WOLF CREEK HERITAGE MUSEUM NOTES by Virginia Scott MUSEUM HAPPENINGS A very pleasant Sunday allowed for a good turnout for our reception for Jeri Pundt and Lela Mae Vincent. Over thirty people came out to view the artistic work of these two talented women. Art forms in needlework and ceramics are just as visually exciting and entertaining as painting and sculpture. These exhibits give us a diverse schedule and we thank these ladies for exhibiting with us. We are planning our 2010 schedule that will include an exhibit in the fall of 2010 featuring artists who took lessons from Dord Fitz? If you have a painting you did while taking lessons from him & would like to be in the exhibit , PLEASE CONTACT THE MUSEUM. We will also exhibit any available painting by Mr. Fitz. Also needed for the exhibit is information on Mr. Fitz and his painting history in this area. This Thursday at 1 pm probably as you are reading this column, the book committee is busy stuffing envelops with the information on how to order and on how to include your family's history in this our Lipscomb County History Book , Vol II, 1976 - 2011. the 125th anniversary of the county. The information brochure will also be available at drop off places in each town: Booker- First Bank, Southwest, Darrouzett- city hall, Higgins- city hall, Lipscomb- museum, Follett- city hall. We will keep you updated as the project progresses. We are also working on a pictorial history book with the Arcadia publishing company . This is a book of approximately 150 historical photos that tell the history of the early years of the county. Hemphill County recently published theirs. If you have a one of kind photo of early Lipscomb County, please bring it to the museum for copying for our files and possible inclusion in the book. We need complete information on what, when, where, and who on each photo. HISTORICAL MUSINGS This week is Veterans Day and hope each of you took time to honor the veterans in each of towns , our county is blessed with dedicated communities that have special programs for the veterans each year. These programs included our schools so that our children can see and meet the men and women that have served our nation . There is also a group of people that should be honored during this week and that is the wives, husbands, mothers, and dads that stay behind working in their communities while their soldier is serving their community. One such mother was Mrs. Blanch Hyde who made a scrapbook of every newspaper clipping during WWII of all soldiers from Lipscomb County. In 1993, Joe Mingus indexed the scrapbook and compiled them into an album for the American Legion. The museum received the album in early 2000. We have a copy of the album on display at all times for any visitor to sit and read through or to research a particular soldier. Reading through the album, you see the dedication and love of a mother for her sons and daughter. This week is shadowed by the events of last week in Killeen, but emphasis our need to appreciate our service men and women. Another event we need to recognize this week is the fall of the Berlin wall. I end this column with a verse from a song by Charles G. White entitled "Going to my comrades" :
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