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A Museum of History and Art in historic Lipscomb, Texas
Map 13310 Highway 305 · P.O. Box 5
Lipscomb, Texas 79056
County Flag
October 3, 2010

by Virginia Scott


A nice productive week. The core team is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with finishing the accession items on hand. The work room is looking better. We are just waiting on the shelves for the archive room. The board met on Wednesday afternoon with 10 present out of 16. From what I learned at the conference that is good. The board is appointed by the County Judge and approved by the Commissioners Court and submitted to the Texas Historical Commission. It is officially recognized as the Lipscomb County Historical Commission and members are appointed to 2 year terms. The commission also serves as the board for the museum which is the non-profit arm of the commission. Business discussed this quarter ranged from the History Book update, security systems, to our 2011 goals. The meeting are open to public and meetings are available to review in the museum office.

One item on the agendas were new hours for the museum: PLEASE MAKE OF THE FOLLOWING CHANGES:
  1. THE MUSEUM IS OPEN ON MONDAY THRU FRIDAY, 10 AM TO 4 PM. WE ARE NO LONGER OPEN ON SUNDAY AFTERNOONS. To discontinue our Sunday hours was based on lack of volunteers and attendance.
  2. THE MUSEUM WILL BE CLOSED FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER. This is to allow Lovella and myself to have a vacation.
The museum as always will be available by appointment during December and on Saturday or Sunday.

As with any of our changes, it will be evaluated at our quarterly meeting and revisions made as needed.

The 2011 goals drafted at the meeting include continuing the building project, reactivating the October county festival, and establishing a committee to perform a preservation survey.

October is Texas Archeology Month. Brochures with the statewide Calendar of Events is available at the museum. We will host a program entitled "Kiowa Traditions" by Kenneth Parton on Saturday, October 16 at 4pm. This is the Fall Foliage Weekend so plan to join us.


The team has again found some newspaper jewels that I want to share. I can't tell what paper, year that they appeared because they clip and forget to write dates etc. on the clippings. The first clip is after the discovery of the internet. It is a list of home remedies using inexpensive, common household products.
Title: What's your problem?
Headaches- Drink two glasses Gatorade with relieve almost immediately. No Gatorade use plain water or cut a lime in half and rub it on your forehead.

Burns- Colgate toothpaste makes a good salve for burns. (Why Colgate, your guess is as good as mine)

Splinters- When you have a small splinter pour a drop of Elmer's glue over the splinter, let it dry and peel the dried glue off the skin. The splinter sticks to the dried glue. Scotch tape works too.

Bruises- soak a cotton ball in white vinegar and leave on bruise for an hour. the vinegar reduces the color.
These are are only four out of 28. I will share more periodically.
I leave you this week with a little article that someone wrote about their parents. "After graduation, Dad found work with a defense contractor, which enabled him and Mom to move into barracks-like apartments at the Iowa Ordinance Plant west of Burlington. There they began- some say furiously- to make a family. first Cheryl, then Randall, Rhonda, and Doug, all in five years. Soon after, Daddy got fixed.

Have a good week.

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