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A Museum of History and Art in historic Lipscomb, Texas
Map 13310 Highway 305 · P.O. Box 5
Lipscomb, Texas 79056
County Flag
May 31, 2009

by Virginia Scott


The museum was busy this Memorial Weekend, lots of visitors ,inquiries, and gifts. Many thanks to LaVaun Kraft, Dorothy Schoenhals for holding the fort while I was off playing and Lovella is recuperating from her surgery. Alot of activity with Memorial Veteran Ceremonies occurring around the county. A special ceremony was held in Higgins with the Dedication of their Historical Marker at their Cemetery as part of their regular annual observance. I will have an article with photos hopefully next week but upon my return , my regular computer will not function , nothing working, so I will try to get my life straighten out and have my act together.

The LCHC and museum board met last wednesday and did the final preparations for our cookout this Saturday, June 6 at 5 pm at Verle Woods family homestead. Tickets are still available , Call the museum at 806-852-2123. Tickets are $25 each.


We received an excerpt from a book written by Dennis Collins (an early settler ) about Timms City in 1890. He Writes In 1890, it was currently reported and generally believed that a millionaire named George R. Timms, was builing a city at the head of Kiowa Creek and that there were churches, schools and all the improvements that go to making a prosperous town. One could get all the advantages of this place by buying a lot or two on the installment plan. I decided to take advantage of such a brilliant opportunity of gettin into closer touch with civilization. I rounded up my horses and cattle and set out towsard the land of so much promise. Imaging my suprise and even astonishmnet when I reached the place to find it almost totally abandoned. I rode around through the deserted streets without seeing a single person. I was about to pronounce the thing a complete failure from the point of view of population, when I discovered a bench-legged, bullet-eyed individual approaching me. Where he came from I do not know. In questioning him about the place I was informed that he had been one of the original inhabitants, that the rest had left but he couldn't get away for lack of means. In his desire to take advantage of opportunity he offered to sell me a town lot. I replied that I did not think there was any great demand for town lots just then and there was little likelihood of a boom there for some time if present conditions were any indication of the business prospects of the town. I inquired where I could find a house to move into and he told me to take my choice of the whole place. I looked the town over and finally decided that the hotel was about the best building for my purpose just then. I remained there during my stay in Timms City. I made some further inquiries of my fellow - townsman as soon as I had taken up my abode in the Timms House, and he told me that all the population had gone away to Oklahoma to take up land, that there were only two persons left behind.

Mr. Collins and his wife remained in Timms City for two years . Ms. Collins acted as postmistress until the mail was taken to Lipscomb. Our thanks to Ruth Morrow , Vega, Texas for this information. The book Mr. Collins wrote is entitled "The Indians' Last Flight or The Dull Knife Raid". I will be trying to trace a copy down.

Have a good week.

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