May 6, 2012
WOLF CREEK HERITAGE MUSEUM NOTES by Virginia Scott MUSEUM HAPPENINGS It is that time again, changing exhibits. Rebecca Ashley's exhibit was enjoyed by many. May / June's exhibit features Mike Weinette, Darrouzett. He paints on feathers and they are beautiful. When you enter the art room they appear small but as you view each one they become bigger. It is always interesting and fun to have an exhibit where the artist uses different materials to paint on, Turkey feathers are common in our area and make a good canvas. Joining Mike with exhibits is the Follett Girl Scout troop with their display of girl scout equipment, uniforms, handbooks, projects, and memories from 100 years of scouting. The American Girl Scouts are celebrating 100 years anniversary this year- 1912 to 2012. The Follett troop has a four generation history come by a see a photo of the four generations of Gensman women. The exhibit will bring back memories. HISTORICAL MUSINGS Lin Robinson has sent us a brochure advertising Lipscomb County to potential farmers. The following paragraphs is describing the various crops that grow in our county. "Because of a deep,black, prairie soil, that will produce and does now produce fall wheat, spring wheat, corn, milo maise, caiffer corn, sorghum, broom corn, rye, oats, barley, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, and all other vegetables and vine crops, including the wonderfully flavored cantelope as well as all kinds of grasses, timothy, clover and the great alfalfa produces from two to four crops per year... All kinds of fruit such as peaches, apples, plums, pears, grapes and berries grown in profusion where tended.... We have watched the cow man give way to the farmer in the last two or three years... the land is changing hands lively at from $10 to $ 25 per acre and we predict that this same land within five years will sell as readily for $75 and $100. The pamphlet is from a reality business in Higgins with the First National Bank of Higgins as their reference. Lin is sending me a full copy and hopefully it will identify the author and date but it appears that it is some of the early advertisements for settlers in the 1880s. I hope my garden grows as the ad promises this year and I will try to tend it profusely. Have a good week. |
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