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A Museum of History and Art in historic Lipscomb, Texas
Map 13310 Highway 305 · P.O. Box 5
Lipscomb, Texas 79056
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April 22, 2018

by Virginia Scott


Finally, we have had a little rain. I forgot to mention in my column in the past weeks that if you have taken photos of our recent fires, please send copies to us. We have archived our past weather events and have photos, etc. of our fires, snowstorms, tornados, etc.

We have had visitors this week who are using our research room to research their family history. They discovered several documents that will assist their project.
Remember we have obituitaries and family histories and old newspapers. Their search was successful.


Board meeting, 3pm, Wednesday, May 9 at the museum.

Bingo, April 28, Saturday, 6:30 pm in the museum meeting room.


In the April 18, 1918 issue of the Limelight, it reported that one of Lipscomb doctors:
"Dr. C. A. Newland dropped in from Camp John Wise, San Antonio, Texas on a few days furlough. The Doctor looked just the same in all ways with the exception of the uniform which he happen to fill out in fine shape. It kept the Doctor pretty busy to get around and say hello to everyone. Sunday evening Everett Shahan took the doctor to Glazier where he took the train for the camp."

This same issue had an ad for donation to benefit the Red Cross Auction. The Auction was held in Higgins with refreshments furnished by the Red Cross ladies.
An example of how the home front supported the war effort.

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